As high-end prostitutes peruse the carefully curated streets of Davos, the ski shops turned corporate showrooms bustle with executives. This is the big league for any starry-eyed machiavellian prince. Rumors circulate about who is where and with whom. Gates, Schwab, and Soros are all notably missing signaling suspicions about closed meetings. Anticipation hangs in the air as the security detail meanders about. A not-so-modest outfit of about five thousand from the Swiss army, all armed to the teeth. Displaying the kind of good faith preparedness that only those with a pristine conscience would deem necessary.
The looming climate crisis talking points are all expected, the entertainment is bizarre, and the self-important energy nauseating. Then intro the man himself, WEF president Klaus Schwab, who I would imagine has never once been accused of being overly excitable in his life. With the tone and grandeur of a man of the cloth, he speaks. His sermon is on division, and his solution is greater seamless cooperation from the world's governments. He says it with conviction as though it is indisputable; as though it weren’t the very definition of fascism.
FBI director Chris Wray is here to back him up and give reassurances about how well it’s going with social media. He’s doing a fine job despite the recent white-hot revelations from the Twitter Files that don’t seem to be phasing him in the least. Not even a week ago since the social media giant had exposed the FBI’s fabrication of the foreign disinformation campaign and its coercion of Twitter executives and Wray is acting as if it was always part of the plan. The bureau clearly still resolute in its mission of targeting right-leaning American citizens for censorship. He leaves out how the part about how the FBI had to coerce Twitter under threats of regulation to get compliance.
Orwellian talking points dominate the meeting as one Dr. Dennis Meadows joins the cast. A man renowned for his expert suggestion on how world leaders need to cull the population of the world down to two billion as the only solution to climate change. Bill Gates joins in to lay out how this vision can be accomplished through ‘improved healthcare’ and urbanization. The idea is that if you cram enough people into crowded cities they will opt out of having kids. A suggestion possibly illuminating his decision to buy up large portions of America’s farmland. Something that the world's largest real estate holdings group Black Rock, who happens to be one of the largest stakeholders at the conference, also appears to be in in the take.
It would be too easy to characterize the attendees of this conference as a cabal of unelected and unaccountable overloads. And reactions online to the event, especially after the past two years, are not completely unexpected. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to suggest that the world has felt like it was caught in the middle of a racket. After two years of conflicting Covid 19 guidance, as elderly parents die alone in hospitals, and after the new and frankly suspicious changes in the reporting of COVID deaths that appeared designed to artificially inflate the numbers, people are suspicious. It would be trite to say it out loud, but it's obvious to anyone paying attention that confidence in our institutions is at a historic low. Here in Davos, at a time of unprecedented profits and a seismic shift in the concentration of wealth, this meeting exemplifies all of that in one setting. For a world caught in the middle of a racket, these guys seem to be the ones raking it all in.
Rapacious as it may all be the WEF is addressing something pivotal. By the year 2050, the world will have reached 9 billion people and the looming food crisis that is now on the horizon will be at our doorstep. The Earth cannot sustain 9 billion people without picking winners and losers. Some people are going to starve. People are going to get desperate. And as resources tighten totalitarian overreach is going to get worse. Control over the narrative will be seen as an existential necessity, and any challenge to it -an existential threat.
With corporate interests driving our political debates online, even going so far as to co-curate government messaging in the media, and having a controlling stake in virtually every major institution; the kind of power represented here in Davos only really has one meaningful challenger.
It’s a message that has proven historically that if you try to squash it, it only grows. It’s a message that toppled the Roman Empire only after it exhausted everything to eradicate it. A message that redefined the British Empire economy through the leadership of Wilberforce. One that brought Nazi commanders to justice during the Nuremberg trials under US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson. A message that was the backbone of Martin Luther King's moral argument for civil disobedience.  Regardless of your personal opinion of this message, we can all agree that it has been a historical force to be reckoned with, and has the evidence to prove it.
A narrative that isn’t primarily a political philosophy or even social theory, but a declaration. It’s advocates have proven to tyrannical forces such as the CCP that they can’t be bullied under the threat of force or even death. It subverts all meritocratic claims and is radically pro-human in that it is constitutionally against picking winners and losers. A message that needs no introduction. It was and still is the most dangerous story ever told and for those plotting in Davos, it’s arguably the only real threat to their seemingly absolute sway over the how all of this shakes out.
Good piece. The only part I might disagree with is the idea that the earth can’t sustain the pop growth. When I think about the command “be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth” God seems to be putting few restraints on man in the propagation dept… like there’s so many prohibitions in the bible, he could have easily said: don’t have too many kids!
My feeling is the climate scare is just the covid panic on steriods: a pretext to take total control under the guise of sustainability. God is in control of the balances in the universe. Man has made climate/nature a God.
Anybody got a wafer? I'm hungry